Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Trials in Newburgh by Tyler Meissner

Recently, the New York candidate George Phillips stated that trials for Khalid Mohammad and fellow 9/11 terrorist will be taken place in Newburgh, NY. Originally president Obama declared that the trials were to be held in New York City, but government officials considered the act "inappropriate." Possible locations for these trials include Air National Guard Base at Stewert Airport, West Point and Otisville Federal Prison.

Valentine states that the reason for holding the trials in such a place (Orange County) is because Newburgh would benefit from this "international attention." In an interview, Valentine quoted
"For a city like Newburgh, it could not only put us on the map, but it would benefit us for many, many years to come."

However, executives such as Edward Diana claim that they discourage the idea of holding such trials within the Orange County by stating "it would be an insult to our residents." Along with Diana, state senator Leibell and state assemblyman Molinaro have discouraged Valentine's proposal as well claiming that the attention would put New Yorkers "at risk' and would allow terrorists to "sprout their hatred and inspire others to commit heinous crimes."

Many believe that Newburgh has its hands full already and does not need the possibly of becoming a "terrorist target".


MSMC Student said...

-Great job describing the danger the trials would pose in our county. It makes for a more sensitive public awareness.

-I would however explain why the mayor of Newburgh is choosing to host the trials: President Obama is giving 200 million dollars out to cities who offer to host. Newburgh has a huge deficit and would greatly benefit from the cash influx.

MSMC Student said...

-I think this blog was really interesting, of all the places to hold the trial there debating Newburgh, New York, that's crazy. Good choice to write about local news that I'm sure not many residents/students were aware of. Also used a good use of qoutes and sources.
-Maybe alittle more details about how it could be a positive or negative effect on Newburgh.

MSMC Student said...

~I'm glad you wrote about the trials coming to Newburgh. I think it's a very interesting topic and i've been following it myself.

~I think the end of the blog ended a little abruptly. It was a good ending, but maybe add another sentence to let us know it's the end.

MSMC Student said...

-You chose an interesting topic which should resonate with everyone in this area. Also, your use of quotes made the piece much stronger.

-Though it might have been a somewhat difficult task, you could have possibly included the opinions of one or two Newburgh residents on the subject.

MSMC Student said...

Really good detail, i also liked how I could relate with the story since we live in Newburgh.
You could have given more details about Obama and his donations.

MSMC Student said...

- It was very well written.
- Could have gone more into detail about things to make it longer. The conclusion could have been longer.

MSMC Student said...

-I'm really glad you chose this topic, because i wasn't entirely familiar with the story.

-The last 2 sentences made a good point, stating that Newburgh does have it's hands full and that this would just add more controversy.

-I liked how you told both sides, and explained them well