Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Supertasking Not For Everyone

By: Arianna Fragiacomo

Let's be honest, we all talk on our cell phones when we drive, even if it's just for a second. We all also probably feel like we're doing a really great job of driving while we're talking too. After reading this article it was interesting to see the facts and figures of how much your driving ability is impaired while you're on the phone. Maybe we aren't as great as we thought? Unless you're one of these "supertaskers" they are saying make up 2.5% of the population

Monday, March 29, 2010

Jesus Jihad

By Steve Gida

The FBI uncovered a plot to make war against the United States government through a Christian militia, referring to itself as the "Hutaree". This group, according to their website, endorses and supports violent religious uprisings against the local, state, and federal levels of government. The FBI have been keeping tabs on this militia, believed to have been in existence for over 2 years now, and have recently indicted 9 of these "Christian warriors" on charges. Being a Christian myself, this is repulsive to see, knowing that usually in media, it is the worst of the worst that define most cultures. With Islam, it's Al Qaeda. With Christianity, it is the Hutaree.Full coverage here.

In Times Square, One Last Homeless Holdout

By: Jane Caragher

For many years, social workers and city officials have been trying to get the homeless to leave their "home" in Time Square and move into housing. Most of the people agreed expect for one man named Heavy. Heavy, which is a nickname, has lived in Times Square for decades and he refuses housing because he wants to stay and watch over Times Square. Neighbors help him out by giving him food, money and warm clothes in the winter. Even though he causes no harm to the public, the officials are still trying to persuade him to move into housing and off of the city streets.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Problems Arise as to Whether South Africa is ready to Host World Cup

(Anne Siemon)
South Africa will be the first African country to host the World Cup in 2010. However, despite Fifa's trust in the country and its infrastructure, many people are questioning the countries readiness. According to BBC News, there have been reports that the Parliament's Communications Portfolio Committee, "revealed that the country's 30-year old broadcast infrastructure was not ready to cope with the needs of the World Cup." Not only BBC, but CNN, has also reported that there are many worries pertaining to the transportation. They also reported that the city’s mayor has raised a very important as to how they will raise the $160 million needed to finance the construction of the stadium. She believes that the money should be put towards people’s health, shelter, and sanitation. I do agree with the mayor. I think this is an amazing step for South Africa, to be able to host the World Cup. However, I do hope everything works out for the best, and no residents in South Africa are affected negatively by it.



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Poughkeepsie's Population Growth

By: Samantha Miller

Recently in the “Poughkeepsie Journal” there was an article written by Larry Hertz about the growth in the region. According to the latest estimates from the U.S Census Bureau, the Poughkeepsie metro area was rated amongst the highest increase in population between the years of 2000-2009. Between these years, it is stated that the Poughkeepsie-Newburgh region grew about 9 percent. This increase was the largest increase in the state. The Dutchess County population grew by 4.8 percent over that period to 293,562.


Global Warming Happening Now

By: Arianna Fragiacomo

No matter where you turn you hear the phrase "global warming," but fortunate enough for us we really haven't seen too many effects from it here in the United States. I know personally it's kind of put out of my mind until somebody brings it up. When I read this article it really brought to my attention that people in other places are being affected by global warming right now. There are islands disappearing and people being forced to move out of their homes. It's scary to think what could happen to us here in a few years.


Colorado Says No to Medical Marijuana For PTSD

By Jared Davis

Though medical marijuana has been legalized in both Colorado and New Mexico for the treatment of certain conditions such as cancer and AIDS, the two states disagree on whether Post Traumatic Stress Disorder should be included as one of those conditions. Recently, the Colorado State House Committee shot down a proposal that would have prompted the Department of Public Health and Environment to consider medical marijuana usage as a possible treatment for PTSD. Meanwhile, more than one quarter of those approved for medical marijuana usage in New Mexico have been diagnosed with PTSD. I feel that more research should be conducted to determine whether marijuana helps deter the symptoms of PTSD. Colorado's legislators should be more willing to at least consider the drug for the treatment of PTSD considering that they have allowed it for various other conditions.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Baby Fat Might Not Be So Cute After All

By: Jane Caragher

Schools have been trying to reduce childhood obesity for a while now. They are doing so by cutting back in fatty foods such as sweets such as candy and cupcakes and sugar filled drinks such as soda. Some schools have even made room for salad bars for the kids. Some doctors believe that obesity could start in the womb. For instance, mothers who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have an obese child even though they are born really tiny. Over the past couple of years, toddlers have been gaining more weight than usual.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

The New Powerhouse

By Steve Gida

After over a year of partisan debate, President Obama's top domestic policy- the Health Care overhaul, passed the House of Representatives on a 219-212, followed by the passage of the Reconciliation bill that fixes and removes special deals in the Senate bill, as well as sealing the Medicare donut hole, on a 220-211 vote. What can I say? I am just sighing out of relief that it is finally over, but glad that a new era of responsibility in our health care system has seen the light of life. Check out the live blog that followed the votes here.

Tiger Talks

By Tyler Meissner

In recent history, professional golfer Tiger Woods has been top news not with golf but with his sex scandel and has refused to be interviewed on the subject. However, on March 21st, Woods finally spoke with the media at Isleworth Country Club with the Golf Channel.

In the interview, Tiger stated that the sex scandel was his fault and his fault alone:"It was all me. I'm the one who did it. I'm the one who acted the way I acted. No one knew what was going on when it was going on." Woods then spoke about his responses of the comments and claims the public have stated by saying "It was hurtful, but then again, you know what? I did it. And I'm the one who did those things. And looking back on it now, with a more clear head, I get it. I can understand why people would say those things. Because you know what? It was disgusting behavior. It's hard to believe that was me, looking back on it now."

Tiger would end the interview by stating that we was excited to start golfing again and doesn't expect a warm welcoming or giant ovation everytime he shoots.


Walk for a Cause

(Anne Siemon)
On Sunday, April 25th, 2010 Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh, will be holding their 11th annual walk for housing. Their goal is to raise money to further their mission of giving people the chance to be homeowners, and to ultimately eliminate poverty. No matter your race or religion the organization welcomes those who would like to volunteer their time to help others in need. There will be food, live music, and other entertainment for those of you who decide to come out and support your community. Being a member of Habitat for Humanity, this walk is something I feel very passionate about. Students here at Mount Saint Mary College are aware Newburgh is not the nicest nor the safest place to live, which is why I think it is important for Mount students to participate in this walk, and try to make Newburgh a better place. I have seen how a home can change a family’s life, and you can contribute by walking. Contact Deb Waller if you are interested in Habitat's walk for housing.

For more information visit: http://www.habitatnewburgh.org/events/walk.htm

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Is a Comfort a Bad Thing?

By: Arianna Fragiacomo

No matter where you look from the late fall straight through the winter you see Uggs. These boots are a personal favorite of mine and are pretty much all I wear in this time period; even into early spring. When I read this article I was a little skeptical to read that they are bad for you. The article is stating that with excessive wear these boots can cause problems such as tendinitis and arthritis because they lack the correct arch support for your foot. I've been wearing these boots for several years now and have never had a problem which is why I was a little taken back by the claims being made in the article.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bridging the Gap

By Steve Gida

Not even a week had passed when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Vice President Biden that right wingers in the Israeli government began an aggressive expansion of housing in east Jerusalem. The plan immediately sparked outrage from President Obama and his administration, who condemned the act and demanded Israel halt all expansion in the name of pursuing further peace talks with the Palestinians. Secretary of State Clinton had addressed the situation as saying that relations were not strained by this action, instead pursuing more Mideast talks. I agree with this totally, as you have to give some ground to get some; it isn't like the Palestinians are completely against talks. Israel just needs to cease aggressive expansions for once if there is a hope of new talks. Who wouldn't want peace? Check it out here!

NASA Finds Life Deep Below Ice

By: Jared Davis

Recently, NASA scientists made an unlikely discovery 600 feet below the ice of Antarctica. They were able to capture the movement of a small, "shrimp-like creature" on camera while attempting to retrieve a photograph of the bottom of an ice shelf for the first time. The creature has thus far been categorized as a Lyssianasid amphipod. Though this discovery was essentially made by accident, it could reshape the way scientists look at the development of life in difficult environments. It could potentially change the way we think of life not only on our own planet, but life in general. On the other hand, I find it somewhat strange that NASA was trying so hard to retrieve a picture of the bottom of an ice shelf. Had they not made such a discovery, this all could have been considered a waste of time and money.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Toyota Dismisses Account of Runaway Prius

(Anne Siemon)
According to Toyota Motor Corp., they have found no problems or explanations, as to why James Sike’s Toyota Prius sped out of control on a California Highway. After extensive testing, a Toyota spokesman told the public that Sikes's story did not match up with that of their findings. Although, the spokesman did not say Sikes staged a hoax, he made it clear that it does not mean it was Toyotas fault. Sikes could not be reached for a comment, however; Toyota did go into detail that they did not find any electrical problems nor could they replicate Sike’s accident with the Toyota. I found this story particular interesting, seeing as the motor corp. GM has had many problems with their vehicles in the past as well as other auto-makers. Though, Toyota is taking a large amount of heat for recent incidents. Whoever may be at fault, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has made it clear that we may never know the problem of James Sikes Prius.


Soda Tax Not Likely for New York

By: Jared Davis
It looks unlikely that a tax on soda and other drinks which are high in sugar will be passed by New York legislators. If Governor David Patterson had his way, a penny per ounce would be added to all beverages sold with less than 70 percent fruit juice. The tax was developed as a way to combat obesity in the U.S. while also providing more money for state health programs. However, the proposed tax has seen a great deal of opposition. Though I'm not a soda drinker, I don't believe the tax would actually inspire people to lose weight. People are likely to eat and drink what they choose, regardless of the extra penny per ounce.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Severe Rain Cuts Power

By: Arianna Fragiacomo
The rain has been going non-stop over the last couple of days and from the looks of things isn't going to let up any time soon; it is expected to end at some point Monday. Not only has the rain been putting a damper on peoples moods and plans it is also coming with severe wind. The wind and rain have caused power outages to nearly a half million people across the tri state area.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rhode Island Democrat Points Fingers By Tyler Meissner

Recently, Rhode Island Democrat Patrick Kennedy ranted during his speech in the White House how the media is "ignoring" the war in Afganistan. He claims that our troops are dying overseas and yet the media is more focused on Eric Massa's resignment from Congress due to sexual harassment charges. He personally pointed out two individuals and stated that "a lack of attention on the war was feeding public cynicism about government."

Friday, March 5, 2010

Stooping To A New Low

By Steve Gida

Facing a staggering defeat in 2008, the GOP was forced to be donned the minority, later replaced by the "Party of No". However, with midterm elections around the corner, the Republican Party have developed a new "strategy" to play off of voters and seize the anti-Washington momentum. I'm not surprised by this leak of Republican strategy, it's been fairly common the past few years. Take a look:
