Sunday, March 21, 2010

Walk for a Cause

(Anne Siemon)
On Sunday, April 25th, 2010 Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh, will be holding their 11th annual walk for housing. Their goal is to raise money to further their mission of giving people the chance to be homeowners, and to ultimately eliminate poverty. No matter your race or religion the organization welcomes those who would like to volunteer their time to help others in need. There will be food, live music, and other entertainment for those of you who decide to come out and support your community. Being a member of Habitat for Humanity, this walk is something I feel very passionate about. Students here at Mount Saint Mary College are aware Newburgh is not the nicest nor the safest place to live, which is why I think it is important for Mount students to participate in this walk, and try to make Newburgh a better place. I have seen how a home can change a family’s life, and you can contribute by walking. Contact Deb Waller if you are interested in Habitat's walk for housing.

For more information visit:

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