Monday, October 25, 2010

Money money money money, Moneyyyyy

KABUL, Afghanistan- President Hamid Karzai admits thats his chief of staff has been taking money from the Iranian Government to pay for Presidential Expenses. These payments add up to 2 million dollars a year. Now come on, presidential expenses? What are they? They are most likely absurd reasonings that the President of Afghanistan needs an extra 2 million dollars for his expenses? Supposedly the money is given “to help the presidential office and to help dispense assistance in various ways to the employees here and to people outside,” he said. Ok while the people of your country are suffering to make ends meet you get an extra two million dollars that is supposedly divided between the parts mentioned in the previous statement. the New York Times with this article tried to defame Karzai which it may have but because of this article has caused a lot of controversy because he had taken a strong stand on terminating the use of private security companies. The security companies have become an explosive issue in the last few days because Western countries and private contractors say that they will have to halt projects in Afghanistan if they are not able to protect their employees. Understandable? Definitely, if your workers are not protected they have little drive to work, or at least work up to their potential. So in result until the Afghan police and Army are better trained and well established, especially in insecure areas of the country, they cannot be relied on to protect Western and Afghan employees.

Which to me is totally understandable because if your working in a very insecure or hostile environment or area you want to be able to trust and rely on the police or military for help. With the extra 2 million dollars given to Karzai not a big fan of that especially because some of the money is coming from us the UNited States. When personally how do we as a country have any extra money to send over to other countries to take care of their PRESIDENTIAL expenses when we as a country are in a recession? Yeah America time to get your priorities straight!!

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