By: Jane Caragher
Schools have been trying to reduce childhood obesity for a while now. They are doing so by cutting back in fatty foods such as sweets such as candy and cupcakes and sugar filled drinks such as soda. Some schools have even made room for salad bars for the kids. Some doctors believe that obesity could start in the womb. For instance, mothers who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have an obese child even though they are born really tiny. Over the past couple of years, toddlers have been gaining more weight than usual.
-I thought the facts about the babies who are more prone to become obese, being born to a mother who smoked during her pregnancy was veryr interesting.
-Maybe you can add some facts in that the readers may not know. I just read an article that compares our portions today, to those in the painting of The Last Supper. Since Jesus time, it is scary to see how much our portions have grown.
I found this blog very interesting, right from the picture! There is so much you can say on this topic, but i think you did a good job of picking the most important and interesting, good blog!
(Arianna) This is an interesting story. There have been a lot of different things on television about child hood obesity as well. I think people are finally starting to notice it's a problem.
I really liked this blog, what drew my attention at first was the picture of the baby. I like the way you simply stated that "some people think obesity starts in the womb" but dont say much after, it leaves the reader hanging and want to know more and view the article.
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