Sunday, September 12, 2010

9-11 Never Forgotten

By: Samantha Sinatra

In Newburgh NY on September 8th about sixty Mount Saint Mary students lite their candles and participated in a vigil for those who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001. All students met in front of Sakac Hall, a freshman dormitory, where they came together in prayer for all of those who were affected on September 11th. As the walk proceeded to the church in Guzman hall, a spectator could see these candles luminating the campus that night. Once in the church, the students sat in the pews to watch a heavyhearted powerpoint to remember those who put their lives on the line for our country that day.
It is imperative to never forget the day that shook America. In many ways us Americans should be proud of those men and women who kept our country together on that day of terror. We shall never forget.

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