Thursday, September 2, 2010

To Tweet or Not To Tweet?

By: Alissa Coschigano

Social Networking such as "Twitter" has become more popular then it ever has before. Everyone has to update their page every few seconds to let the world know what they are up to, news that they just found out, or seeing who they can fool. The question that comes up though is how much tweeting is to much tweeting?
Stated in the New York Times Newspaper, Mike Wise of the The Washington Post published something on his Twitter account that got him suspended for a month from writing his sports column. The article is titled "Washington Post Suspends Columnist for Twitter Hoax." He posted false information, stating that the Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was suspended for his next five games. Although he was suspended, the amount of time stated was wrong. Wise said "the tweet was posted as an experiment to see how fast a piece of misinformation could be spread online" (Plambeck, second paragraph, B2). Posting something as little as the wrong amount of suspension days, just cost a columnist a month's pay.
It is easy to get caught up in the digital world that we have around us. With everything advancing as quickly as it is, who knows what they will come up with next? Still, we have to be careful with what we put out there. Sometimes letting the world know what we are doing, or running experiments through Twitter, might make our tweeting days limited.

1 comment:

MSMC Student said...

I really liked this article. I could relate to this article because something like this happened to me with facebook. I didn't get suspended or anything like that, which was the good part. I didn't know that something like this could actually happen though, don't people have freedom of speech, so whether it is right or wrong, can't they speech their mind. I really liked your introduction. It made me to want to keep reading the rest of your story.