Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Does Blogging Go Too Far? by Sarah Fulton

Recently, a five year old boy from Missouri has recieved a lot of attention over his mother blogging and nationally exposing that he wanted to be Daphne from Scooby Doo for Halloween. I first heard of this story while watching the "Today" show, where the boy's mother talked to Meredith Viera on this sore subject. The boy attends a Christian School, so when the other mother's saw the cross-dressing student at the school's halloween party, they immediatly were up-in-arms over the subject. I must say, the boy looked extremely adorable in the red wig and outfit, (which even came with a snazzy zebra- striped purse,) and seemed overjoyed to be wearing the costume. His mother's response to the outcry was quickly posted on her Nerdy Apple blog, she remarked: "My son is gay . . . Or he’s not. I don’t care. He is still my son. And he is 5. And I am his mother. And if you have a problem with anything mentioned above, I don’t want to know you." Although, she is right in sticking up for her child, I don't believe she should have made it go viral. Now, ten years in the future, her son may NOT be gay, and look back to all of the pictures and controversy over the matter and be infuriated with his mother. Regardless of whether the boy is homosexual or not, my question is: Isn't Halloween supposed to be the one time of the year where one is able to dress up in any costume they wish, without being ridiculed?

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